Source code for dummy_serial

#   Copyright 2019 Jonas Berg
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

.. moduleauthor:: Jonas Berg

dummy_serial: A dummy/mock implementation of a serial port for testing purposes.

__author__ = "Jonas Berg"
__license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0"

import time
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: float = 0.01
"""The default timeot value in seconds.

Used if not set by the constructor.

SLEEPTIME_READ: float = 0.001
"""Simulated read time, in seconds."""

SLEEPTIME_WRITE: float = 0.001
"""Simulated write time, in seconds."""

"""The default baud rate.

Used if not set by the constructor.

VERBOSE: bool = False
"""Set this to :const:`True` for printing the communication, and also details on the
port initialization.

Might be monkey-patched in the calling test module.

RESPONSES: Dict[bytes, bytes] = {}
"""A dictionary of respones from the dummy serial port.

The key is the message (bytes) sent to the dummy serial port, and the item is the
response (bytes) from the dummy serial port.

Intended to be monkey-patched in the calling test module.

DEFAULT_RESPONSE = b"NotFoundInResponseDictionary"
"""Response when no matching message (key) is found in the look-up dictionary.

Should not be an empty bytes object, as that is interpreted as
"no data available on port".

Might be monkey-patched in the calling test module.


def _describe_bytes(inputbytes: bytes) -> str:
    return " ".join([f"{x:02X}" for x in inputbytes]) + " ({} bytes)".format(

[docs]class Serial: """Dummy (mock) serial port for testing purposes. Mimics the behavior of a serial port as defined by the `pySerial <>`_ module. Args: * port: * timeout: Note: As the portname argument not is used properly, only one port on :mod:`dummy_serial` can be used simultaneously. """ port: Optional[str] # Serial port name. timeout: float baudrate: int _initial_port_name: Optional[str] # Initial name given to the serial port _last_written_data: bytes _waiting_data: bytes _isOpen: bool def __init__( self, port: Optional[str], baudrate: int = DEFAULT_BAUDRATE, bytesize: int = 8, parity: str = "N", stopbits: Union[int, float] = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, xonxoff: bool = False, rtscts: bool = False, write_timeout: Optional[float] = None, dsrdtr: bool = False, inter_byte_timeout: Optional[float] = None, fail_to_open: bool = False, ) -> None: self._waiting_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT self._last_written_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT self._fail_to_open = fail_to_open self._isOpen = True if not self._fail_to_open else False self.port = port # Serial port name. self._initial_port_name = self.port # Initial name given to the serial port self.timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.baudrate = baudrate if VERBOSE: print("\nDummy_serial: Initializing") print( f"dummy_serial initialization. Port: {self.port} " + f"Baud rate: {self.baudrate} Timeout {self.timeout}" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """String representation of the dummy_serial object.""" template = ( "{0}.{1}<id=0x{2:x}, open={3}>(port={4!r}, " + "timeout={5!r}, waiting_data={6!r})" ) return template.format( self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self._isOpen, self.port, self.timeout, self._waiting_data, ) def _clean_mock_data(self) -> None: self._last_written_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT self._waiting_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT @property def is_open(self) -> bool: return self._isOpen
[docs] def reset_input_buffer(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def reset_output_buffer(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """Open a (previously initialized) port on :py:mod:`dummy_serial`.""" if VERBOSE: print("\nDummy_serial: Opening port\n") if self._isOpen: raise IOError("Dummy_serial: The port is already open") if not self._fail_to_open: self._isOpen = True self.port = self._initial_port_name
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close a port on :py:mod:`dummy_serial`.""" if VERBOSE: print("\nDummy_serial: Closing port\n") if not self._isOpen: raise IOError("Dummy_serial: The port is already closed") self._isOpen = False self.port = None
[docs] def write(self, inputdata: bytes) -> int: """Write to a port on dummy_serial. Args: inputdata: data for sending to the port on :py:mod:`dummy_serial`. Will affect the response for subsequent read operations. Returns: Number of bytes written """ if VERBOSE: print( "\nDummy_serial: Writing to port. Given: " + _describe_bytes(inputdata) + "\n" ) if not type(inputdata) == bytes: raise TypeError("The input must be type bytes. Given:" + repr(inputdata)) if not self._isOpen: raise IOError( "Dummy_serial: Trying to write, but the port is not open. Given:" + repr(inputdata) ) # Look up which data that should be waiting for subsequent read commands try: response = RESPONSES[inputdata] except KeyError: response = DEFAULT_RESPONSE self._last_written_data = inputdata self._waiting_data = response time.sleep(SLEEPTIME_WRITE) return len(inputdata)
[docs] def read(self, size: int) -> bytes: """Read from a port on :py:mod:`dummy_serial`. The response is dependent on what was written last to the port on :py:mod:`dummy_serial`, and what is defined in the :data:`RESPONSES` dictionary. Args: size (int): For compability with the real function. If the response is shorter than *size*, it will sleep for timeout. If the response is longer than *size*, it will return only *size* bytes. """ if VERBOSE: print( "\nDummy_serial: Reading from port (max length {!r} bytes)".format(size) ) if size < 0: raise IOError( "Dummy_serial: The size to read must " + "not be negative. Given: {!r}".format(size) ) if not self._isOpen: raise IOError("Dummy_serial: Trying to read, but the port is not open.") # Do actual reading from the waiting data, and simulate the influence of size if self._waiting_data == DEFAULT_RESPONSE: returnbytes = self._waiting_data elif size == len(self._waiting_data): returnbytes = self._waiting_data self._waiting_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT elif size < len(self._waiting_data): if VERBOSE: print( "Dummy_serial: The size to read is smaller than the " + "available data. Some bytes will be kept for later. " + "Available data: {}, size: {}".format( _describe_bytes(self._waiting_data), size ) ) returnbytes = self._waiting_data[:size] self._waiting_data = self._waiting_data[size:] else: # Wait for timeout, as we have asked for more data than available if VERBOSE: print( "Dummy_serial: The size to read is larger than the available data. " + "Will sleep until timeout. Available data: {}, size: {}".format( _describe_bytes(self._waiting_data), size ) ) time.sleep(self.timeout) returnbytes = self._waiting_data self._waiting_data = NO_DATA_PRESENT # TODO Adapt the behavior to better mimic the Windows behavior time.sleep(SLEEPTIME_READ) if VERBOSE: print( "Dummy_serial read return data: " + _describe_bytes(returnbytes) + "\n" ) return returnbytes