Detailed usage documentation

For introductive usage documentation, see Usage.

Interactive usage

To use interactive mode, start the Python interpreter and import minimalmodbus:

>>> import minimalmodbus
>>> instr = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1)
>>> instr
minimalmodbus.Instrument<id=0xb7437b2c, address=1, close_port_after_each_call=False, debug=False, serial=Serial<id=0xb7437b6c, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=19200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.05, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)>
>>> instr.read_register(24, 1)
>>> instr.write_register(24, 450, 1)
>>> instr.read_register(24, 1)

Note that when you call a function, in interactive mode the representation of the return value is printed. The representation is kind of a debug information, like seen here for the returned string (example from Omega CN7500 driver, which previously was included in this package):

>>> instrument.get_all_pattern_variables(0)
'SP0: 10.0  Time0: 10\nSP1: 20.0  Time1: 20\nSP2: 30.0  Time2: 30\nSP3: 333.3  Time3: 45\nSP4: 50.0  Time4: 50\nSP5: 60.0  Time5: 60\nSP6: 70.0  Time6: 70\nSP7: 80.0  Time7: 80\nActual step:        7\nAdditional cycles:  4\nLinked pattern:     1\n'

To see how the string look when printed, use instead:

>>> print(instrument.get_all_pattern_variables(0))
SP0: 10.0  Time0: 10
SP1: 20.0  Time1: 20
SP2: 30.0  Time2: 30
SP3: 333.3  Time3: 45
SP4: 50.0  Time4: 50
SP5: 60.0  Time5: 60
SP6: 70.0  Time6: 70
SP7: 80.0  Time7: 80
Actual step:        7
Additional cycles:  4
Linked pattern:     1

It is possible to show the representation also when printing, if you use the function repr():

>>> print(repr(instrument.get_all_pattern_variables(0)))
'SP0: 10.0  Time0: 10\nSP1: 20.0  Time1: 20\nSP2: 30.0  Time2: 30\nSP3: 333.3  Time3: 45\nSP4: 50.0  Time4: 50\nSP5: 60.0  Time5: 60\nSP6: 70.0  Time6: 70\nSP7: 80.0  Time7: 80\nActual step:        7\nAdditional cycles:  4\nLinked pattern:     1\n'

In case of problems using MinimalModbus, it is useful to switch on the debug mode to see the communication details:

>>> instr.debug = True
>>> instr.read_register(24, 1)
MinimalModbus debug mode. Writing to instrument: '\x01\x03\x00\x18\x00\x01\x04\r'
MinimalModbus debug mode. Response from instrument: '\x01\x03\x02\x11\x94µ»'

Making drivers for specific instruments

With proper instrument drivers you can use commands like getTemperatureCenter() in your code instead of read_register(289, 1). So the driver is a basically a collection of numerical constants to make your code more readable.

This segment is part of the example driver eurotherm3500 which previously was included in this distribution:

import minimalmodbus

class Eurotherm3500( minimalmodbus.Instrument ):
    """Instrument class for Eurotherm 3500 process controller.

        * portname (str): port name
        * slaveaddress (int): slave address in the range 1 to 247


    def __init__(self, portname, slaveaddress):
        minimalmodbus.Instrument.__init__(self, portname, slaveaddress)

    def get_pv_loop1(self):
        """Return the process value (PV) for loop1."""
        return self.read_register(289, 1)

    def is_manual_loop1(self):
        """Return True if loop1 is in manual mode."""
        return self.read_register(273, 1) > 0

    def get_sptarget_loop1(self):
        """Return the setpoint (SP) target for loop1."""
        return self.read_register(2, 1)

    def get_sp_loop1(self):
        """Return the (working) setpoint (SP) for loop1."""
        return self.read_register(5, 1)

    def set_sp_loop1(self, value):
        """Set the SP1 for loop1.

        Note that this is not necessarily the working setpoint.

            value (float): Setpoint (most often in degrees)
        self.write_register(24, value, 1)

    def disable_sprate_loop1(self):
        """Disable the setpoint (SP) change rate for loop1. """
        VALUE = 1
        self.write_register(78, VALUE, 0)

To get the process value (PV from loop1):

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import eurotherm3500

heatercontroller = eurotherm3500.Eurotherm3500('/dev/ttyUSB1', 1)  # port name, slave address

## Read temperature (PV) ##
temperature = heatercontroller.get_pv_loop1()

## Change temperature setpoint (SP) ##

Note that I have one additional driver layer on top of eurotherm3500 (which is one layer on top of minimalmodbus). I use this process controller to run a heater, so I have a driver in which all my settings are done.

The idea is that minimalmodbus should be useful to most Modbus users, and eurotherm3500 should be useful to most users of that controller type. So my driver has functions like getTemperatureCenter() and getTemperatureEdge(), and there I also define resistance values etc.

Here is a part of

"""Driver for the heater in the CVD system. Talks to the heater controller and the heater policeman.

Implemented with the modules :mod:`eurotherm3500` and :mod:`eurotherm3216i`.


import eurotherm3500
import eurotherm3216i

class heater():
    """Class for the heater in the CVD system. Talks to the heater controller and the heater policeman.


    """Modbus address for the heater controller."""

    """Modbus address for the heater over-temperature protection unit."""

    """Supply voltage (V)."""

    def __init__(self, port):
        self.heatercontroller = eurotherm3500.Eurotherm3500(   port, self.ADDRESS_HEATERCONTROLLER)
        self.policeman        = eurotherm3216i.Eurotherm3216i( port, self.ADDRESS_POLICEMAN)

    def getTemperatureCenter(self):
        """Return the temperature (in deg C)."""
        return self.heatercontroller.get_pv_loop1()

    def getTemperatureEdge(self):
        """Return the temperature (in deg C) for the edge heater zone."""
        return self.heatercontroller.get_pv_loop2()

    def getTemperaturePolice(self):
        """Return the temperature (in deg C) for the overtemperature protection sensor."""
        return self.policeman.get_pv()

    def getOutputCenter(self):
        """Return the output (in %) for the heater center zone."""
        return self.heatercontroller.get_op_loop1()

Using this module as part of a measurement system

It is very useful to make a graphical user interface (GUI) for your control/measurement program.

One library for making GUIs is wxPython, found on One good tutorial (it starts from the basics) is:

I strongly suggest that your measurement program should be possible to run without any GUI, as it then is much easier to actually get the GUI version of it to work. Your program should have some function like setTemperature(255).

The role of the GUI is this: If you have a temperature text box where a user has entered 255 (possibly degrees C), and a button ‘Run!’ or ‘Go!’ or something similar, then the GUI program should read 255 from the box when the user presses the button, and call the function setTemperature(255).

This way it is easy to test the measurement program and the GUI separately.

Handling extra 0xFE byte after some messages

Some users have reported errors due to instruments not fulfilling the Modbus standard. For example can some additional byte be pasted at the end of the response from the instrument. Here is an example how this can be handled by tweaking the file.

Add this to _extract_payload() function, after the argument validity testing section:

# Fix for broken T3-PT10 which outputs extra 0xFE byte after some messages
# Patch by Edwin van den Oetelaar
# check length of message when functioncode in 3,4
# if received buffer length longer than expected, truncate it,
# this makes sure CRC bytes are taken from right place, not the end of the buffer, it ignores the extra bytes in the buffer
if functioncode in (0x03, 0x04) :
        modbuslen = ord(response[NUMBER_OF_RESPONSE_STARTBYTES])
        response = response[:modbuslen+5] # the number of bytes used for CRC(2),slaveid(1),functioncode(1),bytecount(1) = 5
    except IndexError:

Install or uninstalling a distribution


Pip-installed packages can be unistalled with:

sudo pip3 uninstall minimalmodbus

Show versions of all installed packages


pip3 freeze

Installation target

The location of the installed files is seen in the _get_diagnostic_string() output:

import minimalmodbus

On Linux machines, for example:


On OS X it might end up in for example:


Note that .pyc is a byte compiled version. Make the changes in the .py file, and delete the .pyc file (When available, .pyc files are used instead of .py files). You might need root privileges to edit the file in this location. Otherwise it is better to uninstall it, put it instead in your home folder and add it to sys.path

On Windows machines, for example:


The Windows installer also creates a .pyo file (and also the .pyc file).

Python location

Python location on Linux machines:



To find locations:

~$ which python
~$ which python3
~$ which python2.7
~$ which python3.2

To see which python version that is used:

python3 --version

Setting the PYTHONPATH

To set the path:

export PYTHONPATH='/home/jonas/pythonprogrammering/minimalmodbus/trunk'


export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/jonas/pythonprogrammering/minimalmodbus/trunk

It is better to set the path in the .basrc file.

Including MinimalModbus in a Yocto build

It is easy to include MinimalModbus in a Yocto build, which is using Bitbake. Yocto is a collaboration with the Open Embedded initiative.

A Yocto recipe for MinimalModbus looks something like this:

SUMMARY = "Easy-to-use Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII implementation for Python"
AUTHOR = "Jonas Berg"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"

PYPI_PACKAGE = "minimalmodbus"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=27da4ba4e954f7f4ba8d1e08a2c756c4"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3fe320f7be761b6a2c3373257c431c31"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "cf873a2530be3f4b86467c3e4d47b5f69fd345d47451baca4adbf59e2ac36d00"

RDEPENDS:${PN} += "python3-core python3-pyserial"

inherit pypi setuptools3
# TODO Use python_flit_core instead of setuptools3 for newer Yocto releases

# Handle that there is no in the project
# TODO Remove this once we use python_flit_core
do_configure:prepend() {
cat > ${S}/ <<-EOF
from setuptools import setup


Save your recipe to a file

Put the recipe file in one of your Yocto layers.

If you need to create a new layer, a brief introduction is given here. In the build directory, run the bitbake-layers command to create a new layer. We use the layer name meta-minimalmodbustutorial in this tutorial:

bitbake-layers create-layer ../meta-minimalmodbustutorial

Put the recipe file in a subdirectory recipes-devtools/python within the new layer directory.

Add the layer name to the BBLAYERS variable in the build/conf/bblayers.conf file. Note that also the meta-openembedded/meta-python layer must be present.

You also need to add this to your build/conf/local.conf file:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " python3-minimalmodbus"

When using the recipe for another version of MinimalModbus, change the version number in the filename. Bitbake will complain that the md5sum and sha256sum not are correct, but Bitbake will print out the correct values so you can change the recipe accordingly.